Become a Sponsor

Many of you participated in sponsoring the race last year and we greatly appreciate your support! We’re currently in need of race sponsors for the 8th Annual Bradley R. Smith Memorial Scholarship 5K Run/Walk. All donations are greatly appreciated. Each sponsor will be recognized the day of the race. Any sponsor that donates $100 or more will have their business name printed on the back of the race day t-shirts given to each runner. Bronze, Silver, and Gold sponsors will have their logos printed (small, med, large) on the back of the t-shirts.

File requirements for logos that will be included on the t-shirts

Gold Level Sponsorship $500 – Large company logo on the t-shirts, your logo with a link to your website on our sponsorship page, and your business name mentioned on the main page of the website.

Silver Level Sponsorship $350 – Medium sized logo on the t-shirts and your company logo with a link to your website on our sponsorship page.

Bronze Level Sponsorship $250 – Small logo on the t-shirts, and your logo on our sponsorship page.

T-Shirt Level Sponsorship $100 – Your company name listed on the t-shirt.

If your business is interested in sponsoring this race, please contact Sheila Dour at (618-531-1199). If you prefer to mail your sponsorship, please download & complete the Sponsorship Form. Donations are also accepted. Please download the donation form below. Sponsorship and Donation Forms must be recieved by 8/07/22 to be included on shirts.

In order for your logo to be well represented on our race t-shirts, please provide a vector image. Low resolution JPG, GIF, PNG, and DOC files are not appropriate for screen printing. PDF files are suitable, provided they were created from a vector image. If you do not have a vector image, a high resolution JPG file may work. The file size should be no less than several hundred kilobytes. If you have questions about the suitability of your logo file, please contact 

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